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Leadership and Culture in the UN

4 Oct

United Nations SystemFinally, I have overcome my reluctance and decided to self-publish my unpublished Ph.D. thesis: Seeing the Unseen. Leadership and Culture in the UN Organizations which I wrote between 2002-2005. Without sounding too presumptuous I just think that the empirical content of this thesis/manuscript, which pertains to the internal workings of the selected UN agencies, particularly in the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s is too valuable to be kept buried underneath thousands of electronic files, away from the public view. I wish I could have released it much earlier but I have not found an appropriate online venue for it until I set up my own siteblog that happened a couple of days ago. I hope that the researchers and students of the United Nations as well as general readers will find the paper of interest and use it to enrich their own study and writing on international relations, intergovernmental organizations, public administration, leadership and organization cultures.


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