[gview file=”http://maciejbartkowski.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Myopic-Strategies-of-the-Syrian-Struggle-Key-Lessons-Bartkowski-Taleb.pdf”]
[gview file=”http://maciejbartkowski.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Myopic-Strategies-of-the-Syrian-Struggle-Key-Lessons-Bartkowski-Taleb.pdf”]
Tags: armed struggle, attrocities, civil resistance, civilian deaths, nonviolent discipline, Syria, violence
My video interview on the Ukrainian Voice of America where I talk about civil resistance and the necessity to maintain nonviolent discipline to increase chances of a successful challenge against an authoritarian regime.
“Професор Університету Джонса Гопкінса Мачей Бартковські дослідив 50 ненасильницьких рухів навколо світу, визначивши спільні риси всіх вдалих повстань та причини поразок. Результати дослідження він опублікував в книзі «Вивчаючи історію ненасильницької боротьби: Громадська непокора у визвольних рухах».”
Tags: authoritarian regime, civil resistance, democratization, nonviolent discipline, Ukraine
I am specializing in civil resistance history, study and practice. I look into how ordinary people organize and wage nonviolent coercive and constructive resistance to win their freedoms and rights, often against seemingly insurmountable odds. My interest includes nonviolent resistance strategies against dictatorships, in national defense and in countering foreign and domestic disinformation. Follow me @macbartkow
Email: macbartkowski@jhu.edu         Facebook page
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