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Myopic Strategies of the Syrian Struggle and Key Lessons

14 Jul
Members of the Free Syrian Army. Source: Al Arabiya

Members of the Free Syrian Army. Source: Al Arabiya


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Why did the Yanukovych regime fall? 5 crucial factors

23 Feb

Ukraine-Yanukovych-protestBy Feb. 21, the Yanukovych junta with its head vanished from Kyiv. The city was liberated soon after the agreement between the regime and the opposition (facilitated by three EU foreign ministers) was signed on February 21. Why did the disintegration of the regime happen if a couple of days earlier the authorities seem to be firmly in power, carrying out the largest repressions in the history of modern Ukraine?  According to my preliminary analysis the downfall of Yanukovych regime came as a result of five interrelated factors:

1) regime violence and repression have always backfired, galvanizing more and more Ukrainians to join resistance against the regime and making previous allies of Yanukovych in the parliament, administration and security forces defect him. It happened on Nov. 30 when the police beat up peaceful students. On January 16 when the regime introduced repressive laws and on February 19-21 when the interior security forces killed close to 100 people.

2) gradual defections of the members of parliament (‘deputies’) from the ruling Party of Regions occurred throughout the conflict. The defections increased their pace on Feb. 20 when 36 deputies from the Party of Regions joined the opposition in voting a law that undermined the repressive apparatus of the regime- the legislation ordered the total withdrawal of security forces from the streets and their return to barracks . This happened the day before the agreement between the regime and the opposition facilitated by the European foreign ministers was signed.

3) international sanctions (such as travel bans and assets freeze against some Ukrainian officials) by the EU and US became a reality on February 21 that made the defections of businessmen-deputies from the Party of Regions more likely.

4) the Ukrainian army refused to join the strife. The regime reassigned on Feb. 19 the chairman of the joint chief of staff to an administrative position in the presidential administration (the decision that essentially equaled a dismissal) while the deputy chairman of the joint chief of staff resigned on Feb. 20 in protest against the regime’s attempts to force the army to intervene. The authorities understood it cannot rely on the army to suppress the resistance.

5) people continued mobilizing and joining resistance throughout Ukraine. Ukrainians undertook a massive number of nonviolent actions that undermined the regime, spread the protest and facilitated defections. They blocked the train with 500 troops from Dniepropietrovsk to Kyiv in the crucial days on Feb. 20-21; locked down the police facilities to prevent security forces from leaving them; continued organizing peaceful demonstrations in towns and cities across the country; led mass funerals for killed protesters; called for and staged economic boycotts; blocked highways to stop movement of thugs; blocked airports; seized government buildings in the regions; run parallel political, and administrative institutions; set up neighborhood watch groups; publicized government repression that showed how disproportionate it was to any threats posed by the protesters; called out the security forces and the army in the Ukrainian cities to declare they were with the people; and with the help of the Ukrainian diasporas Ukrainians won a significant international solidarity and media attention around the world.

Increasing danger of repressions in Ukraine

7 Dec

Yanukovych made deal with Russia. Domestic crisis helped him
It is reported that yesterday evening, President of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych has signed the strategic agreement with Russia. According to Edward Lucas from The Economist Putin made immediately available to Yanukovych $5 billion, and cut the gas prices by half to $200 per 1000 cubic meters in exchange for Yanukovych agreement to join the Russian-led custom union.

6825-730785If the deal is confirmed Yanukovych won from Putin much more than the threats that he likely heard during the secret meeting with the Russian President on Nov. 9 that soon afterwards led Yanukovych to make an abrupt U-turn in the negotiations with the EU.  Paradoxically, ongoing demonstrations might have inadvertently helped Yanukovych to get a better deal from Putin than otherwise. In fact, Yanukovych might have been interested in rising the tensions in the country to win more concessions from Putin and, by default, become Putin’s indispensable man that will keep Ukraine in Russia’s orbit. The crackdown on the protesters ordered by Yanukovych regime in the early morning of Nov. 30 might have been actually designed to raise these tensions.  The demonstrators were in fact preparing to wind down their protest after the EU Vilnius summit and thus there was little rationale for the regime to use a brutal force. However, if what was needed was the crisis that would provide Yanukovych with more leverage over Putin (which he fears) then the last week crackdown was a rationally-driven, calculated sinister plot on the part of the regime and its president.

Greater likelihood of crackdown in Ukraine
It is now clear that after the Nov. 9 secret meeting with Putin Yanukovych re-oriented himself entirely towards Moscow. This U-turn was then sealed with yesterday’s strategic agreement with Russia.  Yanukovych no longer needs the crisis that helped him win concessions from Putin. This means that the Ukrainian regime might be ready to initiate crackdown with the goal to effectively put down the protests. We now know that Yanukovych and his allies will not hesitate to use violence against peaceful protesters. We also know that it was Yanukovych as the Prime Minister and the presidential hopeful during the 2004 Orange Revolution, who demanded the use of violent force against the demonstrators on the Maidan. The then outgoing President Kuchma rejected these demands. Yanukovych can now try to enforce the hardline policies whose very absence he blamed for his humiliating defeat in 2005.

Consequently, the danger of the widespread crackdown has increased with the deal between Yanukovych and Putin. In fact, Putin might have encouraged Yanukovych to deal with the protesters decisively to pave the way for the implementation of the agreement and the money transfer.  In the back of his mind Yanukovych might also think that even if the crackdown backfires and he might lose Kyiv he will still have eastern Ukraine.  In the worst case scenario, Yanukovych can be forced to depart to Donetsk and, with the help of Russia and the Ukrainian oligarch Medvedchuk, he could push for a partition of Ukraine and continue his rule over the industrial and richer eastern part where his main constituency resides.

Strategy for nonviolent resistance
Given the increasing danger of a violent repression the Ukrainian activists must plan accordingly, particularly this coming weekend when massive demonstrations are expected. Until now, the activists have relied on a familiar repertoire of nonviolent actions taken from the Orange Revolution toolbox that include tactics of concentrations such as mass-based demonstrations and occupations of the municipal buildings and main squares in the cities. However, the civil resisters face a different opponent than 9 years ago. In 2004, their adversary – President Kuchma-  was a former communist aparatchik. This time, the opposition challenges a thug and a convict who came from the criminal world.

Violent provocations can provide the authorities with the pretext to try to initiate the crackdown against the protesters which are an easily identifiable target.  This will happen unless the opposition mobilizes millions and manages to sustain that level of mobilization, which is not certain. And even if the high level of mobilization can dissuade the authorities from using violence it might not be enough to weaken the regime or force it to compromise.

The need for the new nonviolent strategy on the part of the Ukrainian activists should stem not only from the realization that there are increasing dangers of a possible violent repression and thus more urgent need to minimize the risks but also the necessity to impose higher economic costs on the regime and its allies. Strikes in the industries that the government relies on for a continuing revenue and employment as well as boycotts of the regime’s business proved historically effective against the entrenched undemocratic regimes. It also helped minimize the exposure of the protesters to state violence.  When people stayed at home and did not show up for work or stopped buying specific products the regime had much harder time to repress such disobedience while it was experiencing (together with its allies) considerable economic costs.  The “buying power” of the organized masses has been vividly depicted in the segment on antiapartheid struggle in South Africa from A Force More Powerful documentary  which is available online for viewing in honor of Nelson Mandela. I encourage Ukrainians to watch it and draw the conclusions  for their own resistance from the rich history of nonviolent struggles.

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