Evaluations, Testimonials & Recognitions

2012 Bologna SymposiumStudents’ Evaluations, Testimonials & Recognitions

OSCE Academy

– Adelphi University

– George Mason University 

Odessa National University

UN-mandated Peace University

– American University, Skills Institute: Winter 2012 & Winter 2014

– Open Society Institute Exchange Program

– Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences: student evaluation & testimonials (Fall 2013)


Thank you letter from SAIS/IPSI program

– Thank you letter from Council of Europe 

Thank you letter from Virginia Tech University

Support letter from Odessa National University 


Symposium, “The Nonviolent Revolution in Egypt: Learned Lessons,” Cairo University, June 6, 2011.

“A bright spot in the concluding sessions and one that seemed to provoke great interest among the Egyptians, was a presentation by Maciej Bartkowski of the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict . Bartkowski has researched the role of nonviolent revolutions and the transition to democracy, and had several very concrete observations and suggestions for the Egyptians. Chief among these is that nonviolent civil resistance movements often produce democratic transitions when the “lessons learned” are to keep up public mobilization and build up new civil institutions that can keep reform going. Of special interest to the symposium was the history of Solidarity in Poland, and how the Polish did small constitutional reforms for more than decade.”

Susan Brooks Thistlehwaite, Washington post, JUN 10, 2011.

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