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Nonviolent commandments against foreign aggression- learn from Danes, Czechs & Slovaks

12 Mar

1653535_10201566948037176_1375526126_n“Ten Commandments” for Danes to resist the German occupiers:
1. You must not go to work in Germany […]
2. You shall do a bad job for the Germans
3. You shall work slowly for the Germans
4. You shall destroy important machines and tools [that are used or are likely to be used by Germans]
5. You shall destroy everything which may be of benefit to the Germans
6. You shall delay all transport [used by and useful for Germans]
7. You shall boycott German films and [news]papers
8. You must not shop at Nazis’ stores
9. You shall treat traitors for what they are worth
10. You shall protect anyone chased by the Germans

Source: Ackerman & DuVall, A Force More Powerful. A Century of Nonviolent Conflict, page 212.

10 заповедей при оккупации, на этот раз из Дании времен WW2:

1. Не поезжай на работу в Германию
2. Работай на немцев плохо
3. Работай на немцев медленно
4. Уничтожай важные машины и инструментв [которые могут использовать немцы]
5. Уничтожай все, что приносит пользу немцам
6. Задерживай весь транспорт [используемый немцами]
7. Бойкотируй немецкие фильмы и газеты
8. Не покупай в магазинах нацистов
9. Обращайся с предателями, как они того заслуживают
10. Защищай любого, кого преследуют немцы


“Ten Commandments”* of nonviolent resistance by Czechs and Slovaks against the Soviet troops. Published in the newspaper Vecerni Prah on August 26, 1968 – 6 days after the Soviet invasion:

When a Soviet soldier comes to you, YOU:
1. Don’t know
2. Don’t care
3. Don’t tell
4. Don’t have
5. Don’t know how to
6. Don’t give
7. Can’t do
8. Don’t sell
9. Don’t show
10. Do nothing

*Source Czech and Slovak Defiance of Invasion – 1968-1969 in Gene Sharp, Waging Nonviolent Struggle. 20th Century Practice and 21th Century Potential, Porter Sergent Publishers, Boston 2005, p. 200.
10 заповідей ненасільницького опору, що застосовувались чехами і словаками проти радянських військ у 1968. Варто брати на озброєння.

Коли радянський солдат підходить до тебе ТИ:
1. Не знаєш
2. Не переймаєшся
3. Не кажеш
4. Не маєш
5. Не знаєш як
6. Не даєш
7. Не робиш
8. Не продаєш
9. Не покажеш
10. Нічого не робиш


Десять заповедей чехов и словаков, которые они применяли во время советской интервенции в 1968 году (из газеты “Вечерняя Прага”, 26 августа 1968):

Когда к вам подходит советский солдат, вы:
1. Не знаете
2. Не беспокоитесь
3. Не говорите
4. Не имеете
5. Не знаете, как
6. Не даете
7. Не можете
8. Не продаете
9. Не показываете
10. Не делаете ничего


How others challenged powerful foreign occupiers?

3 Mar

gameBelow are only few examples of much richer repertoire of nonviolent actions undertaken by nations that fought formidable foreign occupiers. Even though some of the actions were undertaken centuries or few decades ago many of them are easily transferable to the contemporary situations in which a nation faces a powerful foreign invader:

Americans under the British colonial control:
– refused to buy and consume the British goods
– refused to import the British goods to the American colonies

Hungarians under the Austrian imperial rule: 
– wore symbolic clothing, hairstyles and jewelery in national colors
– showed performances in theaters that carried coded anti-imperial messages
– set up plays for the public that affirmed the Hungarian culture and identity
– treated Austrian troops as persona non grata and refused to communicate with them on all levels
– refused to speak German socially
– boycotted Austrian goods

Poles under the partitions:
– developed Polish social, economic, and cultural organizations
– celebrated national poets, writers and musicians
– organized public commemoration and anniversaries of historical events significant for the nation
– developed and strengthened patriotic education of all Polish-speaking classes: peasants, workers, aristocrats
– kept sober and disciplined in villages and towns
– pushed for the rapid development of the Polish economy to stall the German ‘land-grab’ and slow down the expansion of the German settlements

Burmese under the British colonial rule:
– wore the native homespun cloth
– displaying signboards in support of homemade goods
– song patriotic songs at the opening of any social event
– boycotted colonial social titles

Algerians under the French colonial system:
– set up and printed various periodicals and newspapers that demanded full citizenship rights
– opened cultural and fraternal clubs, and literature, music, geography, and sports associations
– led general strike and stay-ins at home

Egyptians under the British colonial system:
– protested on the streets with women leading the protests
– launched a signature collection campaign in support of full independence for Egypt through peaceful means
– used plays, music, and literature to advocate resistance for national liberation

Danes under the Nazi occupation:
– boycotted German cultural events
– joined Danish cultural organizations
– used ‘V’ (Victory) sign instead of handshake and painted it on walls
– wore coins bearing the Queen’s portrait
– workers worked slowly and badly in factories controlled by the Germans
– wore a paperclip “we stick together”
– wore a red carnation on King’s birthday

Kosovars under the Serbian rule:
– sounded factory hooters and car-horns at set times
– lighted candles and made noise at the time of curfew

Palestinians against the Israeli occupation: 
– printed black mourning bands on the front pages of the Palestinian newspapers
– women organized a silent procession, and submitted statements to diplomatic consulates
– produced and translated writings on nonviolent resistance
– led public prayers
– rang church bells
– went on fasting
– went on hunger strikes
– organized protests together with the Israeli groups that opposed the occupation


Information about nonviolent actions from some national liberation struggles listed above comes from Recovering Nonviolent History. Civil Resistance in Liberation Struggles edited by Maciej Bartkowski and published in 2013 by Lynne Rienner Publsihers.

It will be civil resistance that will bring Yanukovych regime down

21 Feb
tanks in Odessa protest

Activists’ tanks attack government authorities in Odessa

If the Ukrainian president Victor Yanukovych eventually steps down it will not be because radical activists with improvised weaponry made him do so (though the romanticization of the maidan struggle will become a norm). It will be because millions of Ukrainians would have continued their current day-to-day nonviolent resistance: coming out to maidan in Kyiv in such massive numbers that the security forces will not dare to shoot; organizing peaceful demonstrations in towns and cities across the country; leading mass funerals for killed protesters; lighting candle lights throughout Ukraine; calling for and staging economic boycotts; blocking trains carrying the interior security forces; blocking highways to stop movement of thugs; locking down the police facilities to prevent security forces from leaving them; blocking airports; seizing government buildings in the regions; running parallel political, judicial and administrative institutions; setting up neighborhood watch groups; writing about and showing government repression that is disproportionate to any threats it faces; calling out the security forces and the army in the Ukrainian cities to declare they are with the people; forcing defections from the state bureaucracy and ruling Party of Regions on all levels of government; winning international solidarity. This civil resistance will bring Yanukovych regime down.

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